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Problem - TransacXML Java reports error

Severity High
Product Websydian TransacXML
Websydian version 5.5
Resolved in v5.6
Plex version 4.0 and up
Platform Java v1.5
Category Websydian TransacXML - Java
Problem When running a Java DWA based application using TransacXML under Java v1.5 the following error is reported.

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.w3c.dom.ls.LSSerializer.getDomConfig()Lorg/apache/xerces/dom3/DOMConfiguration;

Answer With Java version 1.5 SUN has made some changes to the supplied runtime objects which required changes to the Websydian TransacXML Java runtime.
Workaround Download the fixed version of WSYDXML11.JAR from our download application at http://www.websydian.com/download